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Mar 6, 2019
I have prescribed Amitriptyline, it has 7/10 in peacefulness. Has anyone considered this method. How is it different from death by N?
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Sep 28, 2018
I am going with amit. cocktail. there are some threads on this , look up using search function. idk its reliability and all when compared with N.
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Filthy rotten no good punk
Mar 10, 2019
I have prescribed Amitriptyline, it has 7/10 in peacefulness. Has anyone considered this method. How is it different from death by N?
I just got some prescribed today, i've been having the same thoughts tbh. I have no idea if it's a viable method tho.
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Aug 27, 2018
I have prescribed Amitriptyline, it has 7/10 in peacefulness. Has anyone considered this method. How is it different from death by N?
Pretty similar. Amitriptyline in high doses attacks the heart... causing it to contract irregularly until it eventually stops beating. Amitriptyline by itself is highly sedating(unlike chloroquine for example) and in combination with benzo's will guarantee a deep sleep. Death occurs within 10 hours, most likely less. Ignore the literature that says it takes longer. It doesn't.

Amitriptyline is one of those rare drugs that is still prescribed regularly but also highly lethal. I've been told that try-cyclic anti-depressants are being looked into for this reason and may be taken of the market in the near future. Wouldn't surprise me.
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Sep 28, 2018
Pretty similar. Amitriptyline in high doses attacks the heart... causing it to contract irregularly until it eventually stops beating. Amitriptyline by itself is highly sedating(unlike chloroquine for example) and in combination with benzo's will guarantee a deep sleep. Death occurs within 10 hours, most likely less. Ignore the literature that says it takes longer. It doesn't.

Amitriptyline is one of those rare drugs that is still prescribed regularly but also highly lethal. I've been told that try-cyclic anti-depressants are being looked into for this reason and may be taken of the market in the near future. Wouldn't surprise me.

The time you have mentioned here gave me a lot of hope.. where have you seen this ( can provide a link) or you are just assuming it?
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Jun 2, 2019
I have tried this 3 times. I didn't take high enough doses and got found each time. Within 2 hours of each overdose I was in a coma and on life support. I was in a coma for a few days. I had an irregular heartbeat for a while after but no other after effects. I did end up getting chucked in the psych ward.
I took the meds and didn't know anything about it after an hour and had totally no pain or discomfort. I didn't even feel sick.
This time I have 10g which I plan to take soon. Hoping it works this time. Before I was living with people but now I have my own flat so don't need to worry about being found.
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Mar 7, 2019
N is more peaceful, and usually more expensive. That is all I know.
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Feb 28, 2019
I have tried this 3 times. I didn't take high enough doses and got found each time. Within 2 hours of each overdose I was in a coma and on life support. I was in a coma for a few days. I had an irregular heartbeat for a while after but no other after effects. I did end up getting chucked in the psych ward.
I took the meds and didn't know anything about it after an hour and had totally no pain or discomfort. I didn't even feel sick.
This time I have 10g which I plan to take soon. Hoping it works this time. Before I was living with people but now I have my own flat so don't need to worry about being found.

Can you remember how much you took for each occasion you went into a coma?


Jun 2, 2019
Only around 2g. I hadn't read up on it, I was prescribed 100mg a day and took it twice at that dose. The second time I wasn't at home but got found in the forest passed out in my car. The third time I took around 3G but again got found. I also took this with no other meds.
Can you remember how much you took for each occasion you went into a coma?


Feb 28, 2019
Only around 2g. I hadn't read up on it, I was prescribed 100mg a day and took it twice at that dose. The second time I wasn't at home but got found in the forest passed out in my car. The third time I took around 3G but again got found. I also took this with no other meds.

Ah ok thanks, I wonder if you wouldn't have been found if you may have been successful...it's good that you had no pain or discomfort.
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Jun 2, 2019
Ah ok thanks, I wonder if you wouldn't have been found if you may have been successful...it's good that you had no pain or discomfort.
The doctors said I would have been. I had a tolerance to it too so should have taken more than that. It didn't like my heart at all. The only thing I had was a horrible taste and a few hallucinations but I have them anyway so it wasn't too bad.
10g will be enough. I've bought some capsules to put them in as it will be so many this time. Last time I was on 100mg tablets so didn't have to take many but I've only been able to get hold of 50mg tablets this time and am obviously taking a much higher dose. Once I have the capsules how do I fill them without wasting any of it?
I ordered mine off a few uk sites and just had to give a story as to why I needed them. That was easy. Just cited neuropathic pain caused by a rare brain condition (which I do have) no doctors know about it without reading about it so I just get what I need. Expensive but guaranteed delivery so worth it.
I'm already on a load of other medications for schizophrenia so have been stockpiling my benzos for a while. Annoying and uncomfortable due to not taking them but it is only temporary.
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Jun 21, 2018
Death occurs within 10 hours, most likely less. Ignore the literature that says it takes longer. It doesn't.
I don't understand why you're recommending people to ignore all the different resources that studied this through many cases, and show that in many cases, it took much longer. It is considered longer than with N and even with N some took more than 12 hours
If someone wants to take risks - and the biggest of all isn't to be sent to a psych ward (which can be traumatic), but to actually be found in that small gap between breathing stops and complete death, risking severe brain damage - it's their choice, but better be aware of the previous cases and take an informed choice, perhaps the most important one can ever make. I for one prefer not to, and if it's possible to find a way to be safe than sorry.

Can't understand those who prefer to rely on something someone said on a forum when there's so much information, based on actual facts of cases. Your choice.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
OH SHIT! its prescribed for trigeminal neuralgia, I have that!
I won't be able to get a scrip anytime soon but still, YAY!
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Apr 30, 2019
Amitriptyline is one of those rare drugs that is still prescribed regularly but also highly lethal. I've been told that try-cyclic anti-depressants are being looked into for this reason and may be taken of the market in the near future. Wouldn't surprise me.

wow... i hope not, being prescribed amitriptyline for functional pain and it being the only thing i've tried that even vaguely works.

Edit: can't find anything online that confirms this, source?
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Jun 1, 2019
Took a massive cocktail of Ami, codeine and cetamol and just like Funky, I was in a coma, on life support for a week. I came around as they took the catheter out! I was found 6 hrs after ingestion.

If you want to take pills, make sure you take plenty, and be somewhere you wont be found for a very long time because otherwise, it is likely to end in failure and a trip to A&E then a psych ward, which if sectioned, is 28 days minimum as far as I am aware.

After effects......freakin terrible headaches for months.
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Jun 1, 2019
I have amitriptyline but they're only 10mg tablets so I'm guessing 100mg ain't gonna do fuck all. I was prescribed them for back pain. I didn't know you could get larger doses. How many amitriptyline would it take to check out? What interacts well with them? I have about 100 zopiclone and 100 10mg Valium too


Apr 30, 2019
I have amitriptyline but they're only 10mg tablets so I'm guessing 100mg ain't gonna do fuck all. I was prescribed them for back pain. I didn't know you could get larger doses. How many amitriptyline would it take to check out? What interacts well with them? I have about 100 zopiclone and 100 10mg Valium too

100mg is half the maximum prescribed dosage (although it's supposed to be built up gradually).

If you always take less than what you're actually prescribed you could stockpile the drug - my 2012 edition of the PPH recommends 5g. So in my situation, it would take six months of stockpiling a 40mg/day prescription, if I only did take 10mg/day, to have the necessary amount. I got my GP to increase my dose to 40mg by saying that I had found the 10mg dose initially helpful but that its benefits had worn off.

There's a mega thread on this forum which details how one is supposed to take Amitriptyline and how much of a benzodiazepine is needed, and the antiemetic regime.

Just saying, it doesn't benefit everyone but I do recommend looking at Alexander Technique for back pain, it helped me.


Jun 2, 2019
Took a massive cocktail of Ami, codeine and cetamol and just like Funky, I was in a coma, on life support for a week. I came around as they took the catheter out! I was found 6 hrs after ingestion.

If you want to take pills, make sure you take plenty, and be somewhere you wont be found for a very long time because otherwise, it is likely to end in failure and a trip to A&E then a psych ward, which if sectioned, is 28 days minimum as far as I am aware.

After effects......freakin terrible headaches for months.
It's not 28 days minimum. That's the maximum they can hold you for on a section 2. I got sectioned last week on a 28 day thing and got out of it after 5 days by lying through my teeth about how I was feeling so much better and had no thoughts of suicide.
I had such bad balance for a few days after my third overdose.
Did you have pain after taking it? I didn't have anything. I just remember falling asleep and then waking up in intensive care.


Jun 1, 2019
Thanks for clarifying the section issue.

The headaches were the after effects and went on for months afterwards. At the time of taking, like you, I went peacefully to sleep listening to music and felt [or have this lasting impression] a total peace. I was sprawled on a black, glittering cloud/cushion and its the most seductive emotion/feeling/sensation I have ever known.

But yeah, like yourself, I awoke in ITU with no memory of anything after falling asleep. I came off the Ami after that. The thing they gave me to help reduce the onset of headaches actual bought them on worse than ever. Plus having access to Ami would probably have lead me to doing the same thing again and I gave my word to someone I would try to stay alive, which so far I have managed to do. But I am drained, just running on empty now.
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Jun 2, 2019
I've ordered enough ami to be done. Just waiting on it arriving. I've promised people too but am totally done. I've got bad mental health problems as well as physical problems. I am due to see my neurosurgeon next week and if that doesn't go to plan I am done.
I have reached out to so many people to stop me doing this. Family, friends, mental health nurses, psychiatrists, the Samaritans, GP, ambulance staff, the police and many more. I have been sectioned and hospitalised more times than I can count over the past few years and each time they get me stable they send me home and it all goes downhill. They took me off my antipsychotic, which is the only medication that has ever helped. When I was on that I was stable and working, driving and living independently.
I am sure people will miss me and I am sure people will get in trouble over my death. I know this because where I have reached out to people and not had sufficient help and then end up taking my own life they will be in trouble but I don't care. If they had helped me then I wouldn't have to do this.
I am going to try my mum one last time today and see what help she can get me. I'm not going to tell her my plan but I will ask her to speak to my mental health team. It is worth one last shot to not break her heart.
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Camille Lejeune

Camille Lejeune

Feb 14, 2019
I use amitriptyline to treat neurological pain! Doesn't work for me. It only makes me sleep.
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Mar 16, 2019
I've just purchased 7g today, all coated tablets, 264 x 25g plus 40 x 10g make up the required quantity - only sizes available in my country. If I decide to go through with it (still considering options at the moment), then I'll create a water suspension. I'm using the Wikibooks guide:

Using version #2, I've already got the cimetidine, domperidone as the antiemetic, and so far 340mg diazepam, although I'll get the additional 200mg needed later (again easily available here). Other benzo options aren't available.

Edit: Reconsidering the water suspension after reading other threads regarding the taste
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Jun 14, 2019
I overdosed it once...but its nit been intention to die,Its been experiment as a 16yo woth friend...we dont know exactly whats it was -just I take two packs from my grandmother.Its been smallest g per tablets but we both took for 38 tablets.
Shes been bigger than me,heavier so she just went to drunk state,get later like after big party.
In my case was diffrent.. I was semi awake or uncousciouness.Didnt felt pain even if I hit really stron on wall by my head...
Police found me in some forest few hrs later and I dont know how I end up there at all hehe


Mar 16, 2019
The taste of the tablet, when it's crushed up, is awful. It's something different than just bitter. My tongue became numb for a while.
I wonder if it's really possible to take nearly 10g of the tablets.


Jan 2, 2020
Took a massive cocktail of Ami, codeine and cetamol and just like Funky, I was in a coma, on life support for a week. I came around as they took the catheter out! I was found 6 hrs after ingestion.

If you want to take pills, make sure you take plenty, and be somewhere you wont be found for a very long time because otherwise, it is likely to end in failure and a trip to A&E then a psych ward, which if sectioned, is 28 days minimum as far as I am aware.

After effects......freakin terrible headaches for months.

When you mean massive cocktail of ami how many are u meaning roughly??


Feb 4, 2020
Once I have the capsules how do I fill them without wasting any of it?

You can get tiny miniature funnels on eBay, they are normally used for filling essential oil bottles or other small things.

Also, do all the filling over a shallow container, so any that falls out will be retained and you can collect it afterwards and use the spillage.


May 15, 2019
Mine arrived today second batch so i now have 10 gms. Such a relief. Ive got a pill crusher, gelatin capsules, and a capsule filling machine off ebay which makes it really easy. Also got the meto and diazepam 500 mg.
I get the impression that swallowing it in water is almost unbearable. 20 capsules should do 8 gms.
I still think this is an overlooked method and seems like with a high enough dose and without intervention, could be reliable and peaceful.

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