
Aug 18, 2020
If this is to controversial please remove it admins. I am from Germany and due to our history we are very hesitant with patriotism. I can not really understand this extreme love for a nation. Some Americans in this forum called their place where they live a shithole. Others really love the american way of life.
Here are many people with health issues aren't you angry about the health care system? I could never imagine paying so much for a doctor or medication. (I don't pay anything basically.)
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Jun 28, 2021
Yes, people are delusional. I think once people are old Medicaid pays for shit...but it's really bad for a lot of people. The person I live with is very disenfrancized but still has two American flags in the window. He is very poor, unemployed and as I type this (he is a non-stop talker) says that we are safer more than ever before. He is absolutely full of shit and I imagine there are a ton of people like him. I called in and got him free state health insurance...he thinks he can go to a dermatologist...I'm thinking ughh no....that's for people with fucking money.

Cancer, stroke, heart attack...I'm screwed and so is he.

I think people are at different stages before hopelessness. There are a lot of safe people in America so they feel patriotic.


Dec 13, 2018
People who say that they love their nation, or love others they don't know or never have seen are...very cheap, but highly valued by people who don't really know them. People with high value just give out value to others, without speculating.
Words like "patriotism" are only used as a way for manipulation, making other sacrifice something for your own profit. Nothing more and never was.
Maybe in the "Lord of the rings" there was some real patriotism going around with the orcs...
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Had an abusive therapist
Jun 9, 2021
The healthcare system in this country is precisely the reason I have no patriotism!
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
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Jan 30, 2021
If this is to controversial please remove it admins. I am from Germany and due to our history we are very hesitant with patriotism. I can not really understand this extreme love for a nation. Some Americans in this forum called their place where they live a shithole. Others really love the american way of life.
Here are many people with health issues aren't you angry about the health care system? I could never imagine paying so much for a doctor or medication. (I don't pay anything basically.)

You are hesitant with patriotism because you got punished for the things you've done in the name of it. USA have been doing all those things for centuries without any punishment whatsoever, and that makes them think that they are indeed über alles.

Patriotism is a tool for manipulating masses, just like religion. A patriot is willing to sacrifice his well-being and even life itself for the "greater good", just like a religious fanatic would. US patriots do not think that their health care system is shit, because everythig 'murican is the-best-in-the-world by default.

You might want to check out discussion in this thread:


May 3, 2021
I see two major things here:

A) I'm German too, we have made very bad experiences with nationalism and patriotism. In two world wars it ended up not only committing atrocities against others, but also resulting in disaster to ourselves. Our state's legacy is anti-fascist and anti whatever the nazis stood for, which involves being very cautious about nationalism. Americans have a very different experience, they're used to be on the winning side. Even if they lost in Vietnam, that didn't mean disaster at home. American democracy has lasted for more than two centuries--their historic main antagonist, the Soviet Union, lasted some 70 years.

To this day, the USA is dominating culturally and economically. In the internet age, well, Microsoft, Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter... they're all American companies. Telling people that the American way is the best way is an easy sell.

B) consider the sheer size of the USA. The only country in the world that is significantly larger is Russia. It spans 4 time zones, and you can travel 4,000 km and you're still in the USA. Its area is more than twice that of the European Union. Which all means that Europeans are more likely to have visited another country than Americans do, more likely to have been exposed to different ways. Americans are more likely to never have visited another country, and not having experienced different ways. Not knowing different ways is a major factor in favouring your own.

And while I'm talking about all this, I want to stress that we aren't free of it at all. We Germans still have a superiority complex, even if we don't display it openly. From my experience as a salesman, I can tell many stories about how we trust German design and German quality and are wary of anything, say, from Italia--I could talk all I wanted about how that Italian company's products are actually better than any of its German competitors, but it would fall on deaf ears. People think German products are best, and many German companies with inferior products prey on this belief.

When minimum wage was discussed in Germany, it was all about how it would theoretically impact (or ruin) German economy. Nobody ever considered looking at the many other EU countries that already had a minimum wage, because... well that would mean Germany could learn from other countries and that would be a silly idea, wouldn't it?
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Jul 5, 2020
Would you rather be safe and poor in a shitty country? Or unsafe and poor in another shitty country?

My family is from Latin America. In their country, healthcare and schools might be publicly funded, but they aren't any good. It's pay-to-win over there, and to get money you either work with la mara or you're born into wealth. The USA has destroyed a lot of Latin America with their imperialism. So they might have some of the structures of an "ideal" country but no funds or ability to execute them. It makes life hard for their citizens. The USA has done this basically to the entire continent so people don't really know any better or have other options.

Some members of my family immigrated to Europe rather than the US. They're way better off! But they were also super lucky to have that opportunity. It's very difficult to get a visa to Europe with no education, skills, or connections from Latin America. There's also the issue of ties and security. People feel safer coming to the US where they will have family and friends, rather than go to Denmark or Ireland where they know nobody.

Though the USA is not a complete hellhole depending on your state. I'm from NY, i like it enough. I've visited my aunt in Europe, and NY is very diverse in comparison to Europe, and people are friendlier. You can see people of all classes and races mingling with each other. Some states have free insurance or free college programs for certain income levels too. So if you don't qualify for federal aid you can get state-level assisstance. Things are usually worst in sparsely populated, rural states. Coincidentally, those states also tend to be the least diverse and the most nationalistic.
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