Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
What are the ailments or "chronic" diseases that you have cured in the most unlikely ways?

I had a knee pain from the age of 6 to 13 that disappeared one day (it was a very intense and strong pain that made me cry and no doctor could say what it was). I only got it when I was sitting in a chair or on the couch. At school I suffered a lot because of it. The solution to that immense pain in my knees was simply to sit with my legs straight, literally, the pain disappeared. In class I had to stand in front of everything so I could stretch my legs.
Years later it started again in high school because I sat in the back row and had to bend my legs to fit properly in my seat so as not to piss off the classmates in front of me. I sat in the front row again and that was the end of it (bad grades didn't work out, hehehehe).

I had vomiting and gastroenteritis every three months since I was 4 years old until I was 27 years old and they disappeared one fine day (until I was 44 years old I only vomited one day since I was 27 years old due to eating bad food in a restaurant).
How did it end? Well, I stopped drinking tap water... since then in Barcelona there are still times of gastroenteritis but they don't affect me anymore. What I don't understand is why it only affects certain people. My mother still drinks tap water and nothing happens to her, I myself cook with tap water when I boil food and nothing happens to me (but the water is boiled). This does not take away from the fact that I still have gastrointestinal problems, but these I mentioned specifically I no longer have them.

I had ear infections from the time I was a little boy (2 years old, as far as I remember) until I was 26 years old every winter... and since then I have only had them once when I sat next to a window . The solution was given to me by a doctor, she told me that putting absorbent cotton in my ear to avoid catching cold was the cause of the infections, since it prevented the passage of air and the wax accumulated inside (I did not understand it well). I have not put absorbent cotton in my ear again and I have been almost nineteen years without ear infections (the kind that can be cured with antibiotics).

I had, until I was 30 years old, a problem with hiccups, because when I got them I could last for days and days and would not let me sleep at night ... and now when I have only lasts a few seconds (a single hiccup or sometimes two, and that's enough). The solution was as simple as putting my neck as straight as possible (as if someone was pulling me by the head, catching a fictitious hair tail)... I succeeded one day when I was about to vomit in the street because the hiccups coincided with the dizziness and stomach problems.

Currently I have other health problems: dizziness, digestive problems, chilblains, anxiety, anger attacks, depression. I am testing for a long time and reproducing symptoms and I know more and more. I think the next things I will cure will be chilblains and vertigo (chilblains since January 2011 and vertigo since April 2002 -21 years will be soon-), I have a lot of ideas in my head.
Digestive problems I'm getting the hang of (since September 2018 I've had a very specific problem that I managed to reproduce this morning... and that means it's only a matter of time before I eradicate this ailment).

Regarding anxiety and anger attacks along with depression I have it more difficult because these bad béstias do not stop mutating and exhausting a lot, when you think you already have it they come from somewhere else. The anger attacks is what I must solve if or if (I have them only since November 2017) and I think I can get it if I make certain changes, but at the moment, as they are not possible, I must find another way.

Already the doctors could help me, alas no, that if it is not in the book they do not know where to move.

And you, what "perpetual" diseases have you managed to cure forever?


Quines són les dolències o malalties "cròniques" que us heu guarit de la manera més inversemblant?

Vaig tenir un dolor de genolls dels 6 anys als 13 anys que un bon día va desaparéixer (era un dolor molt intens i fort que feia plorar i cap metge em va saber dir que era). Només m'agafava quan era assegut a la cadira o al sofà. A l'escola patía molt per això. La sol·lució d'aquell inmens mal de genolls va ser simplement asseure'm amb les cames estirades.. literalment, el dolor desapareixia. A classe em vaig haver de posar al davant de tot per poder estirar les cames.
Anys més tard em va tornar a començar a l'institut perquè em vaig asseure a la darrera fila i tenía que flexionar les cames per cabre bé al meu lloc i no emprenyar als companys del davant. Em vaig tornar a seure a primera fila i es va acabar l'assumpte (les males notes no es van pas sol·lucionar, hehehe).

Vaig tenir vómits i gastroenteritis cada tres mesos desde els 4 anys fins els 27 anys i van desaparéixer un bon día (fins els 44 anys que tinc només un día vaig vomitar desde els 27 a causa d'ingerir menjar en mal estat en un restaurant).
Com es va acabar?, doncs deixant de beure aigua de l'aixeta... desde llavors a Barcelona continuen havent-hi passes de gastroenteritis però a mi ja no m'afecten. El que no entenc es perquè només afecta a determinades persones. La meva mare segueix prenent aigua de l'aixeta i no li passa pas res.. jo mateix cuino amb aigua de l'aixeta quan faig bullir el menjar i no em passa res (però l'aigua és bullida). Això no treu que segueixi tenint problemes gastrointestinals, però aquests que he esmentat concretament ja no els tinc.

Em vaig passar amb infeccions d'oïda desde ben petit (als 2 anys, que jo recordi) fins els 26 anys cada hivern.. i desde aleshores no n'he tingut més que una vegada que vaig seure a la vora d'una finestra. La sol·lució me la va donar una metgessa, em va comentar que el fet de posar-me cotó a l'oída per no agafar fred era la causa de les infeccions, ja que impedía el pas de l'aire i se m'acumulava la cera a dins (no ho vaig entendre bé). No m'he tornat a posar cotó a l'orella i porto gairebé dinou anys sense infeccions d'oïda (de les de curar amb antibiòtic).

Vaig tenir, fins els 30 anys, un problema amb el singlot, doncs quan m'agafava em podía durar dies i dies i no em deixava dormir a la nit... i ara quan en tinc només em dura uns pocs segons (un sol singlot o alguna vegada dos, i prou). La sol·lució va ser tan simple com posar el coll el màxim de recte possible (com si algú m'estirés del cap agafant una cua de cabell fictícia)... la vaig encertar un día que vaig estar apunt de vomitar al carrer perquè va coincidir el singlot amb els vertígens i els problemes d'estòmac.

Actualment tinc altres problemes de salut: vertígens, problemes digestius, panellons, ansietat, atacs d'ira, depressió. Estic fent proves de fa temps i reproduïnt símptomes i cada cop en se més.. Crec que les properes coses que em curaré seràn els panellons i els vertígens (els panellons els tinc desde Gener del 2011 i les vertígens desde Abril del 2002 -21 anys aviat-), tinc moltes idees al cap.
Als problemes digestius els hi estic agafant la mida (desde el setembre de 2018 tinc un problema molt concret que aquest matí he aconseguit reproduïr... i això vol dir que només és qüestió de temps que eradiqui aquesta dolència).

Respecte l'ansietat i els atacs d'ira junt amb la depressió ho tinc més díficil perquè aquestes males bésties no paren de mutar i esgoten molt, quan creus que ja ho tens et venen d'un altre cantó. Els atacs d'ira és el que he de resoldre si o si (els tinc només desde novembre del 2017) i crec que ho puc aconseguir si faig certs canvis, però a hores d'ara, com no són possibles, he de trobar una altra manera.

Ja podrien ajudar-me els metges, ai no, que si no surt al llibre no saben pas per on moure's.

I vosaltres, quines malaties "perpètues" heu aconseguit guarir per sempre?


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
How far do you remember from your childhood? I ask because I made a very big change from the age of 5 to 6, that's when I decided, voluntarily, to isolate myself socially (although I had schoolmates and talked to them normally).

It's not that I want to psychoanalyze you, forgive me if you feel it's an intrusion on my part. It's just that it suddenly occurred to me at school that once we reached the age of 14 many people in my class did not remember the day we entered when we were 5 years old, nor did they even remember "things" that had happened and that they had changed their way of being (just as it happened to me).

I've always been worried about where my fear of everything comes from, because when I was two years old I had it every day (and my mother says that when I was born I didn't have it). But I don't remember what happened to me that made me so afraid as a child, before the age of two.
I saw your quote and I didn't want to reply further in that person's thread since they are clearly so annoyed at me now despite trying to explain myself to them, so to answer the question my memory is so bad. But I just know that I've never wanted to be here but I really cannot remember much of what it was like to be a young child, but certainly disliking life is all that I know really and it's just the way that things are.

I cannot really think of much for what this thread is actually about though, I'm not sure that any health problem I've experienced has been cured in a way that is seen as unlikely but like as I said my memory is bad that I struggle to answer questions relating to the past.
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Reactions: Dead Ghost
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I saw your quote and I didn't want to reply further in that person's thread since they are clearly so annoyed at me now despite trying to explain myself to them, so to answer the question my memory is so bad. But I just know that I've never wanted to be here but I really cannot remember much of what it was like to be a young child, but certainly disliking life is all that I know really and it's just the way that things are.

I cannot really think of much for what this thread is actually about though, I'm not sure that any health problem I've experienced has been cured in a way that is seen as unlikely but like as I said my memory is bad that I struggle to answer questions relating to the past.
Thanks for answering me...I think I have a good memory because of anxiety, it makes me remember things from when I was very little as vividly as if they happened 5 minutes ago. But when things don't make me anxious, I forget them more easily.

I guess the good thing about remembering bad things is that it allows me to analyze them over many years and sometimes I understand why they happen to me, even if I don't have any acceptable solutions to solve them.

I can't cure all my health problems, only a few and the point of this thread was more to show how rather tough health problems were solved in the most absurdly simple way possible. I was curious to know other people's experiences in case their remedy could help me in some way to address other health problems I may have now or later.

Thanks again for getting back to me


Gràcies per respondre'm.. jo crec que tinc bona memòria degut a l'ansietat, em fa recordar les coses de quan era molt petit amb la mateixa vivesa que si haguessin passat fa 5 minuts. Però quan les coses no em fan ansietat se m'obliden més fàcilment.

Suposo que la part bona de recordar coses dolentes es que em permet analitzar-les durant molts anys i de vegades comprenc perquè em passen, encara que no tingui cap solució acceptable per resoldre-les.

No puc curar tots els meus problemes de salut, només uns quants i l'objectiu d'aquest fil era més mostrar com problemes de salut bastant durs es van sol·lucionar de la manera més absurdament senzilla possible. Tenía curiositat per saber les vivéncies d'altres persones per si el seu remei em podía ajudar d'alguna manera a abordar altres problemes de salut que pugui tenir ara o més endavant.

Gràcies altre cop per respondre'm
Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
I had to have my wisdom tooth extracted via surgery when I was 15. It was growing out crooked and was giving me a lot of pain. As soon as I heard about surgery, the pain stopped, I canceled the appt and it never bothered me again.Stopped coming out too.

I healed a palm wound without stitches, using affirmations and subliminals. The scar is barely visible and merged with my natural palm lines.

I made pain stop for friends in pain using the same methods. I would be good at this if I wasn't in a such a defeated emotional state.
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