
Apr 18, 2023
Hey I have frequently posted elsewhere on the forum and to be honest I probably should have posted here more often... I need advice see below I posted what happened below.

Edit I can provide evidence if people are curious for proof however, just general advice on how to proceed fix my life would be fantastic or conversely if someone can tell me how/why I am incorrect and this is legal etc... I would love to hear that as well I would feel just as good honestly. I did put all the emails/correspondence in a google drive along with some documents I can post the link here if people want to see it or give it to people individually. Thank you in advance.
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the Immortal
Jun 28, 2023
I don't know what you are a victim of, though I can imagine it's something horrible for you to be here - if it would make you feel better then I would say yes, but you shouldn't share any evidence that would identify you personally (which sounds difficult).
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Apr 18, 2023
I don't know what you are a victim of, though I can imagine it's something horrible for you to be here - if it would make you feel better then I would say yes, but you shouldn't share any evidence that would identify you personally (which sounds difficult).
I mean I don't really care about being identified. And it destroyed my life. However, others have had it far worse. If you want me to tell you what happened I am happy to do so.


meet me at the back of the blue bus
Aug 5, 2023
Hey. I'm really sorry about all this. I would be weary of sharing anything too personal or identifying online, as it could lead to worse conqeuqeunces. But I don't see a problem if you'd like to share your story. As for the evidence and everything, maybe just describing it rather than posting links or pictures of it would are best, that way you could stay anonymous. I'm so so sorry that you are going through all this. If you ever need an ear feel free to pm me. Best wishes,


Apr 18, 2023
Hey. I'm really sorry about all this. I would be weary of sharing anything too personal or identifying online, as it could lead to worse conqeuqeunces. But I don't see a problem if you'd like to share your story. As for the evidence and everything, maybe just describing it rather than posting links or pictures of it would are best, that way you could stay anonymous. I'm so so sorry that you are going through all this. If you ever need an ear feel free to pm me. Best wishes,
I mean the consequences are fairly set. I'm homeless, I lost my (future) career as an oncologist, I have no family, or friends, I cant get a semi-decent job even an interview despite an undergrad degree and being in medical school... I'm not sure how exactly it could get worse. That said after thinking about it... I realize no one will go through it anyways so there is little point in doing so.
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meet me at the back of the blue bus
Aug 5, 2023
I mean the consequences are fairly set. I'm homeless, I lost my (future) career as an oncologist, I have no family, or friends, I cant get a semi-decent job even an interview despite an undergrad degree and being in medical school... I'm not sure how exactly it could get worse. That said after thinking about it... I realize no one will go through it anyways so there is little point in doing so.
Wow. That is so awful to hear. I'm really really sorry that you are going through all this. Please feel free to reach put if you need. What you are going through is absolutely terrible and unfair. I really do feel for you.
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Apr 18, 2023
Wow. That is so awful to hear. I'm really really sorry that you are going through all this. Please feel free to reach put if you need. What you are going through is absolutely terrible and unfair. I really do feel for you.
Here i will post what happened here. It's long my apologies. If you want proof etc... I'll provide it.
Wow. That is so awful to hear. I'm really really sorry that you are going through all this. Please feel free to reach put if you need. What you are going through is absolutely terrible and unfair. I really do feel for you.
First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to read this I really appreciate it. I am going to talk about what occurred between December 2021-March 2022. Before that here is some background:
  • I interviewed for the school (Poznan University of Medical Sciences or PUMS) in Fort Lauderdale Florida, but they had other interviewing centers in NY and other places. They have/had a 4 year and 6 year English program.
  • In the first year I attended the university, in the one of the first days of class, a high-ranking faculty member stormed into the classroom promptly took a seat next to me proceeded to "pimp" me while repeatedly putting her lips, mouth, face, on/near my face making me very and presumably visually uncomfortable. Despite me moving away several times. In fact, I had moved so far away at one point she had to scold me to come closer…. Before leaving she told me "I will fail you". This class she was the departments associate dean but had other positions within the school with the Rektors/Deans to where the dean of the department was essentially a figurehead… Two proctors that weren't her gave me the subjective oral exam with the objective portion already completed and passed. Upon finishing both proctors told me they would have to clear it with her, based on eyewitness testimony, they both wanted to pass me but the high-ranking professor from before said no despite not being present at the exam. One other student failed, and he was also American. To not let my dream of being a doctor perish I re-entered into the 6-year program.
  • https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20210313064008885 Polish medical schools with crossover faculty have been found to intentionally fail foreign students to make money (caught on tape by their own admission, including having an accounting term for it….).
  • There was rampant bullying/discrimination towards me/Americans by many students but particularly by Polish students. Anytime this was brought up despite having evidence, etc… When I brought this to the university it was disregarded. In one instance when I brought evidence of this to the student advisor he bloviated about how his father ran one of the two schools that above were caught intentionally failing students and the Polish students effectively given a pat on the back… The lack of action in this regard effectively gave people carte blanche to bully Americans. Furthermore, class divisions were such that the people in the class with power (class reps and the only people who could talk to faculty, schedule, etc…) were in the same groups as Polish students giving them power to schedule things to their liking. Despite me bringing this up to the university it wasn't changed. The answer being given is it was for Polish class making up less than 3% of total hours. Further, this goes against school discrimination guidelines….
  • On July 7th​, 2020, students in my former class during COVID in an online CBS exam were found to be cheating and publishing exam data. This happened as a result of the supposed proctors not paying attention during the exam. In fact, by eyewitnesses they would sign in, say good luck, and say I won't be present for this essentially. Therefore, the school lost the right to give NBME and CBS exams. They still called end-of-year exams NBMEs/CBS and still advertised to this fact. Ultimately the exams were just questions made up by the university and not NBMEs despite it being called this in regulations, courses, etc..
  • In March 2022 I called NBME myself and they confirmed PUMS cannot give or advertise these exams. They were doing so and as of the date of writing they still advertise to giving out NBME exams.
  • See the false advertising here -> https://web.archive.org/web/2022011...medicine-nbme-vslo-and-kaplan-usmle-prep.html
  • Lastly, as part of the curriculum, we were to have summer practical training. This was a paid part of our education. However, the school refused to give any help in getting professors, doctors, help, etc… Certain requirements needed to be met however. In essence we were paying for a class we weren't taught, or the school was willing to teach despite me asking the professor in charge for help.
On December 7th ​2021 in Polish media (I can't read without translative help and have only read in the subsequent months) it was reported that in March, EU digital certificates (EDC) saying you are fully vaccinated would be required. This mandating of the EDC/fully vaccinated status wasn't told to us until February 4th​. As an aside I was sick virtually all of January including seeing a doctor with an unknown illness that is unlikely to be COVID however due to negative PCR/RA tests. However, I was very ill choking multiple nights, multiple times on my own saliva to the point of near asphyxiation. I digress the rules for obtaining the EDC were quite simple if you apply and you have had the first two doses and it is within 270 days you are eligible. I was vaccinated through the university for my first two doses effectively entering a patient/doctor/clinic relationship with them that can be ended at any point (informed consent laws) and of course by definition they had the records so I would argue I should've just been automatically given the EDC. For those vaccinated in Poland/EU we weren't told how to obtain the EDC at all (ever!). I submitted my information on day 268 to the university as I best saw fit in lieu of the lack of information on how to get the EDC. It was declined without reason on day 269. I asked multiple times for information on how to get the EDC that and the next day and was given multiple responses none containing any information on how. Therefore, the day came and went I now needed both the EDC and booster to go to in person class/exams starting on 2/28/22 and out/in person class/exams starting 3/7/22. I had no friends because of the rampant discrimination/bullying, didn't speak the language, etc… I also didn't know how to get the booster/EDC as a result I asked the school for help and told them this. They provided one date only to get vaccinated the day before an exam (3/3/22 at 8-9 AM/test on 3/4/22 and close to in person classes the following week that doesn't permit you to miss a day). Furthermore, I was with a student when the department giving the exam rejected his doctor's note for ulcerative colitis for an exam a few months beforehand setting the precedence for disallowance of all doctor's notes. If she was going to accept the Doctor's note, she could've done it herself. She didn't, in fact after I went to speak with her and explain the situation... She insulted my family and threw me off hospital grounds despite me being very polite and professional. The vaccine date by the school regulations/her syllabus would mean I would highly likely be expelled/fail have to repeat the year if I attended the exam/class with their wording being "a) student who is in isolation, quarantine or showis signs of respiratory tract infection is not allowed to participate in the examinations/tests organized at CITK, b) before the test/examination organized at CITK student is obliged to complete the statement regarding his/her current health condition,". The vaccine would by definition based on my prior experiences and logic put me in violation of the school regulations as a result of this (e.g. being sick) and I told them this (the rules for in-person classes were the same). Did not matter. To end this, I am going to make some quick bullet points of what went on between correspondence between 2/23/22-3/11/22.

  • I told them I didn't want the vaccine as it conflicted with exam in regards to their own regulations and I didn't have the EDC information *they* scheduled it anyways. Given the amount of times I asked it was concerning to me given their prior behavior it would be used as a cudgel and club to remove me from the university.
  • I asked many, many times for alternative dates, locations, places, etc… Even saying I would PAY. None given. Even offering to absolve them of legal responsibility.
  • No information for obtaining the EDC was given despite me asking numerous times (7 or 8 times I believe).
  • I told them they would be committing crimes, violating informed consent laws,etc.. Didn't matter no information/alternatives given despite numerous attempts. Even a flippant go home then…
  • During the time the vaccine was scheduled I was with a lawyer filing for my temporary residency card.
  • After I wasn't vaccinated/Couldn't attend exams/class I asked the school for solutions and none were given (3/11/22).
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