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Jul 29, 2021
these are just my opinion

Candy crush A game we play to earn coins — before spending those same coins to purchase things that enable us to play the game just that little longer.

Life feels no different.

Each of us plays a game — we work our 9–5 jobs. And, just like candy crush, we spend the money we earn internally to the game. We buy food, water, clothes and luxuries. And those items enable us to continue living just that little bit longer.

Candy crush and the game of life carry one common trait — we value playing them both as intrinsically good. For we play them, despite them leading to nothing more than an ability to keep playing.

Of course, over time, this collapses into a boring cycle. Playing this game, day in, day out, with little direction — would leave us feeling both unfulfilled and dissatisfied with our lives.

Evident from the fact that, after a short while, we get bored with candy crush, and stop playing.

But, unlike candy crush, we can't just quit life.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Super Mario Art GIF by dan.bahia.dan
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Jul 1, 2024
That's why Jordan Peterson said (I'm paraphrasing) that if it was only our responsibility to pro create and get drunk, and laze about, humankind would devolve into chaos and anarchy.
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sudo apt remove —purge snapd
Mar 2, 2024
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in the luminous darkness
Jan 31, 2024
That's why Jordan Peterson said (I'm paraphrasing) that if it was only our responsibility to pro create and get drunk, and laze about, humankind would devolve into chaos and anarchy.
But Jordan Peterson is endorsing exactly what OP is saying is the problem with life. In his call to pursue meaning, he states we should find our place in the social hierarchy, get our lives together and be good workers with slightly fundamental morals. I have a lot of respect for JBP but even he has no answer to suicide.
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Jul 1, 2024
But Jordan Peterson is endorsing exactly what OP is saying is the problem with life. In his call to pursue meaning, he states we should find our place in the social hierarchy, get our lives together and be good workers with slightly fundamental morals. I have a lot of respect for morals but even he has no answer to suicide.
Meaning you have to find your own meaning for your life to avoid your life devolving into chaos and complete nihilism. I don't see the harm in that philosophy. Suicide isn't going to be solved in our lifetime... And perhaps it is something that is just part of the human condition with no solution or answer. So, how can you blame him (Jordan) for not being able to figure that out?

Anyways, I made the post as an example to relate to the original post which is basically we earn coins to continue life and that's very circular and boring... But, if you give your life meaning beyond nihilistic tendencies and anarchy then maybe your life will be better... Providing you are lucky enough to be in such a position. My other family members are leading excellent lives and are happy and I am so happy and proud of them. Me, I'm the black sheep of the family and it was fucked from the get go. But I don't wish any ill will towards them and hope they can continue to exist happily and fly high.
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in the luminous darkness
Jan 31, 2024
Meaning you have to find your own meaning for your life to avoid your life devolving into chaos and complete nihilism. I don't see the harm in that philosophy. Suicide isn't going to be solved in our lifetime... And perhaps it is something that is just part of the human condition with no solution or answer. So, how can you blame him (Jordan) for not being able to figure that out?

Anyways, I made the post as an example to relate to the original post which is basically we earn coins to continue life and that's very circular and boring... But, if you give your life meaning beyond nihilistic tendencies and anarchy then maybe your life will be better...
It's a pragmatic philosophy, but what I mean, maybe I didn't explain it well, is it is fundamentally the same circular and boring repetitiveness. Sure, it does no harm because it is well attuned to the "worker bee" social structure we have as humans. What is the meaning that you're grasping at though? The problem is, and this is what I mean when I say JBP has no answer to suicide, there is an assumption that nihilism is a choice. That finding meaning is a choice. If that were the case, suicide would be eradicated, because at it's core, suicide is the rejection of the current order or reality. It's the realization that there is no fundamental meaning to all this, and that the journey of deluding yourself into believing there is meaning is not worth it. It's purpose lost.

In the end, isn't that meaning a delusion. Honestly, ask yourself, are people being nihilistic by choice? If not, how can you imply meaning is a choice?

I don't mean come off harsh or push you into talking about this. But I just needed to air out some thoughts.


Jul 1, 2024
It's all good, honestly, and that's why we're here, to discuss our ideas.

My suicide will be a release from a doomed life once I can't stand the suffering anymore.

Nihilism is the belief in nothing and how life will always involve suffering because of this meaninglessness.

I, however think meaning is in my life in small pieces, like a dark sky with stars that shine but you can't see too many due to light pollution. But nihilism has largely overtaken me due to the constant struggle. Not all others struggle constantly like me and actually enjoy life. I will try my hardest to find meaning in life or create beyond myself. Even though I fear death, I fear life more so I fear death less than life or hardly at all compared to life. I also fear the impact my CTB will have on my family. It is so final if and when I do CTB, there will be no hope left for me. But my family will understand, if not sooner, then definitely later.

The realization that life is meaningless permits someone to look into themselves to derive their own meaning according to Nietzsche. That's like starting with a lump of clay or an empty canvas. At first it is meaningless but if you add just a modicum of effort, you can create something of value but you must walk deliberately into suffering and use it to your advantage. By inviting suffering in and using it to your advantage, you must not allow a lethargic indifference to overtake you but to overcome your suffering by creating beyond yourself or by becoming a superman (neo human that doesn't believe in God but has replaced God with higher human values). And thus adding your own personal values to your life...

Take a body builder for example... Their muscles hurt after a work out but that's because of lactic acid and the fact that their muscles are literally being broken down and are growing and becoming bigger, thus making them stronger. Thus, Nietzsche's quote - That what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.... But, I don't think he was referring to lifting weights lol...
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in the luminous darkness
Jan 31, 2024
It's all good, honestly, and that's why we're here, to discuss our ideas.
A fair point of view
My suicide will be a release from a doomed life once I can't stand the suffering anymore.
I can understand the sentiment of a doomed life, I'll be leaving soon as well
Nihilism is the belief in nothing and how life will always involve suffering because of this meaninglessness.
I don't think this is a complete assessment, not all nihilists believe life will always involve suffering. While in some instances suffering is apparent and is part of life, there are also moments without it. I think the fundamental and unifying thought among all nihilists, is the lack of intrinsic meaning to life and existence.
I, however think meaning is in my life in small pieces, like a dark sky with stars that shine but you can't see too many due to light pollution. But nihilism has largely overtaken me due to the constant struggle. Not all others struggle constantly like me and actually enjoy life. I will try my hardest to find meaning in life or create beyond myself. Even though I fear death, I fear life more so I fear death less than life or hardly at all compared to life. I also fear the impact my CTB will have on my family. It is so final if and when I do CTB, there will be no hope left for me. But my family will understand, if not sooner, then definitely later.
I understand this and in some ways relate to it. Though with me, it is hard to fathom what finding meaning would be. I mentioned before that it seems akin to delusion; though with delusion there is some lack of self awareness. Telling myself something has meaning, when I'm clearly confronted with the lack of it, always bring me back to my initial nihilism.
The realization that life is meaningless permits someone to look into themselves to derive their own meaning according to Nietzsche. That's like starting with a lump of clay or an empty canvas. At first it is meaningless but if you add just a modicum of effort, you can create something of value but you must walk deliberately into suffering and use it to your advantage. By inviting suffering in and using it to your advantage, you must not allow a lethargic indifference to overtake you but to overcome your suffering by creating beyond yourself or by becoming a superman (neo human that doesn't believe in God but has replaced God with higher human values). And thus adding your own personal values to your life...
This, I think, leads to existentialism or is the foundation for it. In JBP's lectures he addresses how the architecture of the bible has god as the conscious expression of the highest moral values. That's one way to look at the pursuit for meaning, as an almost faith based obedience to values beyond yourself. But here's the problem I see, for citizens in say ancient times, when slavery was morally just according to that culture, a blind obedience to those values perpetuated human suffering. Now, I'm not saying "blind" to mean they never thought about these things and were sheep; I mean it was not apparent to them that their morals were not as great as they thought.

Now bring that to today's world. What values do we have that we cannot conceive as wrong? Are we truly believing we have reached the highest possible moral standard? If not, how do we know what we don't know yet? For instance, JBP argues that freedom of speech supersedes the legislative power to enforce speech (the pronoun controversy). But what if the higher moral duty is to displace this freedom of speech, for the regulated speech in order to ensure the lives of these other "gendered" individuals have less suffering? In short, how can you ever know if your morals are worth dedicating your life to. At least with the idea of god, this question doesn't arise, because there is not better intelligence/power to decide such than a tri-omni god itself.
Take a body builder for example... Their muscles hurt after a work out but that's because of lactic acid and the fact that their muscles are literally being broken down and are growing and becoming bigger, thus making them stronger. Thus, Nietzsche's quote - That what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.... But, I don't think he was referring to lifting weights lol...
lol an interesting example
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