

Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
Apparently, because of something called algorithms when you go on the old social media the information chosen by the algorithms guarantees that you will never be challenged. Because, the information is sort of designed to be stuff that is something pleasing to you so that you will continue to stay engaged with the social media. And the longer you engage with social media, the more information social media giants can collect from you about your habits. They can then get better at advertising and the cycle goes around.

What interests me though, is the idea that apparently people are looking for information that challenges them. That's a new one on me. I've never met an adult in my fucking adult life who actually wants to be challenged. Are you fucking kidding me?! Challenged?! Ha! Don't wank my circumcised dick mate!

I mean, I get it. You don't want people to live in bubbles. I mean people DO live in bubbles and ALWAYS HAVE, FOREVER! So the internet didn't invent that and I feel people might be worrying just a little too much about something that doesn't fucking matter at all mate. You're telling me that people are attracted to information they like? Wow! That sounds really good actually!

Fucking hell, I mean I know there are weirdos who are attracted to super morbid upsetting shit, cuz I'm one of them; But I'm not seeing the fucking problem here. I'm pretty sure a democracy doesn't thrive if it's made up of citizens who are constantly being challenged because those people are going to be distressed, upset, and falling apart at the fucking seams. I mean I don't know about you guys, but I avoid all sorts of challenging material. My skull would break apart if I actually attempted to engage, with the news, that is real! If I really, nah can't. It's to hard. Too fucking awful and there's too much of it too! I am but one man and I can't take this shit on fucking board.

You know how in a dream, a sleeping nigh time bed dream, things will be happening quite vividly and you can have things happening in the dream that in your waking life would have a very strong emotional content. You would be feeling things in a full-on kind of way, but in the dream some amazingly over the top shit can go down and you don't feel all that much. Ah, that's how I approach the news; Like it's a dream. I'll let it, I was going to use the expression, "I'll let it wash over me." No, I don't. I try not to get any of it on me actually. I try to come at it like it's a big, fat, fucking joke. Because, the alternative is to lose my tiny fucking mind.

I'm no stranger to outrage and butt hurt, butt hurt...such a great word..butt hurt! Love it. Love it! Loving it! Anyway, what was I talking about? Fucking bubbles.

People live in bubbles. You live in a bubble, I live in a bubble, each person lives in a bubble. And the challenge! If you want to have a challenge is to expand your bubble. Expand it! I mean don't necessarily pump it full of hot air. I'm not exactly sure what the mechanics of expanding your bubble are. I don't know, are the mechanics anything like the mechanics of pulling your head out of your ass? A physically impossible act because it can't happen in the first place. This is the problem, we're using images here and we're using imagination, we're building castles in the sky using our imaginations, cartoons, pictures to build a better world. Isn't that wonderful that we can do that? None of it is real and yet we can make it so real with pictures of people in bubbles.

Usually we can see each others bubbles you know what I mean? You'll see a dude cruising down the street in his super obvious bubble and you're thinking, "Hahaha! That guy doesn't know that we can see his bubble." Of course you don't want to think about that shit too much, you'd go fucking mad! That's where you get paranoid, "Can people see my bubble?" Yes they can! But, they're letting it all wash over them. In fact, they're not letting it wash over them. They're just like you and they're trying not to let any of it get on them. They're not seeing your bubble because they are too wrapped up in their fucking bubble. They've got their own shit to deal with. Everyone's got their own shit to avoid basically and that's the main purpose of having a bubble. It's a protective layer between you and people who don't care about you because they've got loads of issues.

What a beautiful picture of civilization that is and I thank myself yet again for making some sort of a point.
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May 9, 2022
There is a book about it called Hooked. I read I long time ago. Zukerbergs just employ the effect of dopamine on users so they fell like they just took meth.
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